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Lesson Submit

A button to be displayed at the end of a lesson for students to click on. By default, a message confirming completion of the lesson is sent to their email address.


  • coverage | array<string>: list of identifiers to be submitted and included in the response document. Default: none.
  • label | string: label of submit button. Default: none.
  • message | string: message for confirmation email. Default: ''.
  • requireLogin | boolean: controls whether to require user to be signed in for button to be active (for anonymous users, no email confirmation is sent out). Default: true.
  • sendConfirmationEmail | boolean: controls whether to send confirmation email upon lesson submission. Default: true.
  • className | string: class name. Default: ''.
  • style | object: CSS inline styles. Default: {}.
  • onClick | function: callback invoked when clicking on the submission button. Default: onClick() {}.


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