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Text Editor

A text editor for writing notes or reports. Supports exporting of notes as HTML or PDF files, as well as automatic submission to the ISLE server.


  • allowSubmissions | boolean: controls whether students may submit their reports to the server. Default: true.
  • canLoadHTML | boolean: controls whether to display button for loading a saved HTML file into the editor. Default: true.
  • defaultValue | string: default text of the editor. Default: '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'.
  • history | boolean: controls whether the editor should include a history view. Default: true.
  • mode | string: controls text editing mode (either individual for a personal document, group for a document per groups, collaborative for a single document for everyone, or cohort for a document per cohort). Default: 'individual'.
  • resetModal | {title,body,buttonLabel,notificationTitle,notification,tooltip}: object for customizing the modal for resetting the document (should usually not be changed). Default: none.
  • sendSubmissionEmails | boolean: controls whether to send confirmation emails with PDF/HTML output upon submission. Default: false.
  • voiceTimeout | number: time in milliseconds after a chunk of recorded voice input is inserted. Default: 5000.
  • style | object: CSS inline styles. Default: {}.


Live Editor

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