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Match List Question

An ISLE component that renders a question in which the learner has to match elements from two lists with each other in the correct way.


  • question | (string|node): question to be displayed at the top of the match list question component. Default: ''.
  • elements | array<{a,b}>: an array holding the correct pairs displayed at the top of the free text question component. Each array element must be an object with a and b properties; supply elements with only a or b properties to add distractor answers. Default: [].
  • hintPlacement | string: placement of the hints (either top, left, right, or bottom). Default: 'bottom'.
  • hints | array<(string|node)>: hints providing guidance on how to answer the question. Default: [].
  • provideFeedback | boolean: indicates whether the solution should be accessible after learners submit their answers. Default: true.
  • feedback | boolean: controls whether to display feedback buttons. Default: true.
  • chat | boolean: controls whether the element should have an integrated chat. Default: false.
  • colorScale | array: if set, the supplied colors are used for the tiles. Default: none.
  • shuffle | string: specifies whether to shuffle the left, right, or both columns whose elements have to be matched; supply none or any other value to not shuffle elements on either side (may be useful in case when there is no solution present). Default: 'both'.
  • disableSubmitNotification | boolean: controls whether to disable submission notifications. Default: false.
  • submissionMsg | string: notification displayed when the learner first submits his answer. Default: 'You have successfully submitted your answer.'.
  • resubmissionMsg | string: notification displayed for all submissions after the first one. Default: 'You have successfully re-submitted your answer.'.
  • until | Date: time until students should be allowed to submit answers. Default: none.
  • points | number: maximum number of points awarded in grading. Default: 10.
  • className | string: class name. Default: ''.
  • style | object: CSS inline styles. Default: {}.
  • onChange | function: callback invoked when students changes an answer. Default: onChange() {}.
  • onSubmit | function: callback invoked when students submits an answer. Default: onSubmit() {}.


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