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Select Question Matrix

A question with an answer consisting of multiple select boxes.


  • question | (string|node): question to be displayed at the top of the select question matrix. Default: ''.
  • rows | array: row labels. Default: [].
  • cols | array: column labels. Default: [].
  • options | object: object with key-value pairs with keys having the form row:col, e.g. 0:0, 0:1, 1:0 etc., and their corresponding values being arrays of the possible answer choices for the individual select questions. Default: {}.
  • solution | object: solution object with key-value pairs with keys having the form row:col, e.g. 0:0, 0:1, 1:0 etc., and their corresponding values being the index of the correct answer element from the respective options array. Default: {}.
  • hints | array<(string|node)>: hints providing guidance on how to answer the question. Default: [].
  • hintPlacement | string: placement of the hints (either top, left, right, or bottom). Default: 'bottom'.
  • feedback | boolean: controls whether to display feedback buttons. Default: true.
  • provideFeedback | string: whether to provide none feedback at all, individual feedback on the submitted answer(s), or overall feedback for all questions. Default: 'individual'.
  • allowIncomplete | boolean: whether to allow submissions without a selection made in each select box. Default: false.
  • nTries | number: after how many tries no further answers are accepted (if provideFeedback is not none). Default: 3.
  • failureMsg | string: notification text displayed upon submitting incorrect answers. Default: none.
  • successMsg | string: notification text displayed upon submitting correct answers. Default: none.
  • cellLabels | object: labels for cells defined by object with keys having the format row:col. Default: {}.
  • chat | boolean: controls whether the element should have an integrated chat. Default: false.
  • panelProps | object: additional properties to be passed to the outer
    component. Default: {}.
  • className | string: class name. Default: ''.
  • style | object: CSS inline styles. Default: {}.
  • onChange | function: callback function invoked upon changing the answers. Default: onChange() {}.
  • onSubmit | function: callback function invoked upon submission with the answers as a first and a boolean indicating correctness as second parameter. Default: onSubmit() {}.


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ReferenceError: Provider is not defined